Mein CV
Wissenschaftliche Publikationen
siehe auch Researchgate
Kollmuss (2018). Die Schweiz und ihre Klimaverpflichtungen im Ausland. Analyse von 11 möglichen Politikinstrumenten zur internationalen Klimafinanzierung. Auftraggeberin: Alliance Sud
Kollmuss (2017). Chancen und Risiken beim Kauf von Emissionsminderungen im Ausland. Auftraggeber: swisscleantech.
La Hoz Theuer S., Schneider L., Broekhoff D., Kollmuss A., (2017). International transfers under Article 6 in the context of diverse ambition of NDCs. Environmental integrity risks and options to address them. SEI Working Paper
Schneider L., Kollmuss A., La Hoz Theuer S.(2016). Ensuring the environmental integrity of market mechanisms under the Paris Agreement. SEI Policy Brief
Schneider L., Kollmuss A. (2015). Perverse effects of carbon markets on HFC-23 and SF6 abatement projects in Russia. Nature Climate Change
Schneider L., Kollmuss A., Zhezherin V. (2015). Has Joint Implementation reduced GHG emissions? Lessons learned for the design of carbon market mechanisms. SEI Working Paper No. 2015-07. Stockholm Environment Institute, Seattle, WA. For a policy brief summarizing the findings, see here
Kollmuss A. (2015). Emissionshandel: Kuhhandel oder Klimaretter? Energy & Umwelt. Magazin der Schweizerischen Klimastiftung
Schneider, L., Kollmuss, A. and Lazarus, M. (2015). Addressing the risk of double counting emission reductions under the UNFCCC. Climatic Change 04/2015; DOI:10.1007/s10584-015-1398-y
Kollmuss A. (2014). Joint Implementation under the 2nd Kyoto Commitment Period. Working Paper. Commissioned by the Federal Office for the Environment (FOEN) of Switzerland.
Schneider, L., Kollmuss, A. and Lazarus, M. (2014). Addressing the Risk of Double-Counting Emission Reductions under the UNFCCC. SEI Working Paper No. 2014-02. Stockholm Environment Institute, Seattle, WA.
Lazarus, M., Kollmuss, A., Schneider, L. (2014). Single-Year Mitigation Targets: Uncharted Territory for Emissions Trading and Unit Transfers. SEI Working Paper No. 2014-01. Stockholm Environment Institute, Seattle, WA.
Rautanen T. and Kollmuss A. (2014). Policy Briefing: Tackling 60% of the EU’s Climate Problem – The Effort Sharing Decision Post-2020. Carbon Market Watch Policy Brief.
Kollmuss A. (2013). Doha Decision on the Kyoto Surplus Explained. Carbon Market Watch.
Lazarus, M., Erickson, P., Schneider, L. and Kollmuss, A. (2013). Potential for International Offsets to Provide a Net Decrease of GHG Emissions. SEI Working Paper No. 2013-06. Stockholm Environment Institute, Seattle, WA. For a shorter version, see: SEI Policy Brief: Potential for International Offsets to Provide a Net Decrease of GHG Emissions.
Füssler J., Kollmuss A. (2013). Overview of Carbon Offset Programs: Similarities and Differences. World Bank Parternship for Market Readiness (PMR). Draft Technical Note 6
Kollmuss A., Fuessler J. (2013). New Climate Change Mitigation Markets – Stocktaking after Doha on Frameworks for Various Approaches. INFRAS
Kollmuss A, Gütschow J. (2012). G-77 and China Proposal on the Carry-Over Rules of Kyoto Surplus Units from the First Commitment Period. CDM Watch Policy Brief.
Wyns T, Kollmuss A. (2012). The Phantom Menace – An introduction to the Kyoto Protocol Allowances surplus. CCAP Europe, CDM Watch Policy brief.
Kollmuss A. (2012). Hydro Power Projects in the CDM. CDM Watch.
Kollmuss A. (2011). Why Coal Projects in the CDM undermine Climate Goals. CDM Watch.
Kollmuss A. (2011). A New Look at Loopholes. CDM Watch.
Cocco, M., Kollmuss, A., Puhl, I., Sutter, C., South Pole Carbon Asset Management Ltd. (2011). How to develop a NAMAby scaling-up ongoing programmatic CDC activities on the road from POA to NAMAS. Frankfurt: KfW Bankengruppe.
Müller N., Spalding-Fecher R., Bryan S., Battye W., Kollmuss A., Sutter Ch., Tison S., Yamba F., Strom A., Hayashi D., Michaelowa A., Marr M. (2011). Piloting greater use of standardised approaches in the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM). Commissioned by the UK Department for International Development.
Kollmuss A, Lazarus M. (2010). Industrial N2O Projects Under the CDM: The Case of Nitric Acid. SEI Working Paper WP-US-1007
Schneider L, Lazarus M, Kollmuss, A. (2010). Industrial N2O Projects Under the CDM: Adipic Acid – A Case of Carbon Leakage? SEI Working Paper WP-US-1006
Kollmuss A, Lee C, Lazarus M. (2010). How offset programs asses and approve projects and credits. Carbon Management. 1(1):119-134
Kollmuss A, Lazarus M, Lee C, LeFranc M, Polycarp C. (2010). Handbook of Carbon Offset Programs Trading Systems, Funds, Protocols and Standards. EarthScan Publication
Kollmuss A, Lazarus M, Smith G. (2010). Discounting Offsets: Issues and Options. SEI Working Paper WP-US-1005
Kollmuss A, Lazarus M. (2010). Buying and Cancelling Allowances as an Alternative to Offsets For the Voluntary Market: A Preliminary Review of Issues and Options. OECD Environment Working Paper No. 21
Kollmuss A, Myers Crimmins A. (2009). CO2 Carbon Offsetting & Air Travel Part 2: Non-CO2 Emissions Calculations . SEI Discussion Paper.
Kollmuss A. (2009). Evaluating and Improving Carbon Offsetting Programs. SEI Policy Brief
Heaps C, Kollmuss A. (2008). UNFCCC Resource Guide for Preparing the National Communications of non-Annex I Parties. Module 4: Measures to Mitigate Climate Change. Prepared for UNFCCC.
Kollmuss A, Lane J (2008). Carbon Offsetting & Air Travel: Part 1: CO2-Emissions. SEI Discussion Paper
Kollmuss A, Lazarus M, LeFranc M, Polycarp C, Lee C, Kartha S. (2008). Maximizing the Positive: Interactions between Offset Programs and Other Climate-related Policies . SEI Working Paper 08-05, March 2008.
Kollmuss A, Zink H, Polycarp C, Lee C, Kartha S. (2008). Making Sense of the Voluntary Carbon Market: A Comparison of Carbon Offset Standards. WWF Germany, March 2008.
Kollmuss A, Agyeman, J. (2002). Mind the Gap: why do people act environmentally and what are the barriers to pro-environmental behavior? target=”_blank”, Environmental Education Research
Submissions and Recommendations to the UNFCCC
Kollmuss A. (coordinating author) (2012). Recommendations to the CMP8 on Joint Implementation. Carbon Market Watch.
Kollmuss A. (coordinating author) (2012). Recommendations for AWG-KP18. Carbon Market Watch.
Kollmuss A. (coordinating author) (2012). Recommendations to the CMP8 on the CDM. Carbon Market Watch.
Kollmuss A. (coordinating author) (2012). Recommendations to SBSTA-37. Carbon Market Watch.
Kollmuss A. (coordinating author) (2012). Submission to call for input (CMP): Joint Implementation Projects. Climate Action Network International.
Kollmuss A. (coordinating author) (2012). Submission to call for input: Framework for Various Approaches. Climate Action Network International (CAN-I).
Kollmuss A. (coordinating author) (2012). Submission to call for input: A New Market-based Mechanism. CAN-I.
Kollmuss A. (coordinating author) (2011). Submission to call for input on CDM Validation Process. CAN-I.
Kollmuss A. (coordinating author) (2011). Submission to call for input: First-of-its-Kind and Common Practice. CDM Watch.
Kollmuss A. (coordinating author) (2011). Submission to call for input: Sustainability Benefits in the CDM. CDM Watch.
Kollmuss A. (2011). Submission to call for input: Expansion of the usability of the small scale methodology AMS-III.AV. CDM Watch.