Heliotrope Consort got first together in 1997 and we played for many years. After I returned to Switzerland in 2011, we had a reunion concert with Ensemble al Verso in 2013.
Hannah Davidson, viols & recorder
Anja Kollmuss, voice & recorder
Emily O’Brien, recorders, traverso
Alastair Thompson, harpsichord
Ensemble al Verso was an a-cappella trio that specialized in Early and contemporary music. We performed sacred and secular music from 1200 to 1650 and compositions from the 20th and 21st centuries. ‘Al verso’ refers to the left side of a book. All members of al verso happen to be left-handed.
Amy Shimbo Doherty, soprano
Robert Sussuma, soprano, tenor
Anja Kollmuss, mezzo soprano
Here the video of our whole concert from 2013. Here our program: Life is like a box of chocolates. If you want to listen to a few excerpts (oh and below the video a few photos)
00:00 Chiome d’oro (Claudio Monteverdi , 1567–1643) All of us, Amy & Robert singing
06:04 Io son pur vezzosetta pastorella (Claudio Monteverdi), Amy & Anja competing
25:09 Fairest Isle (Henry Purcell, 1659–1695), Amy, so glorious
28:27 Symphony and Aria (Henry Purcell), Emily & Anja on recorders
31:17 Music for a while (Henry Purcell), Robert, angelic
39:14 In these Sweet Groves (John Blow, 1649-1708) All of us, possibly one of my favorite pieces ever
42:57 Bánat, Bolyongás, Leánynézo (Béla Bartók 1881–1945), al verso with Emily
54:16 Meister, wir haben die ganze Nacht gearbeitet Heinrich Schütz (1585 – 1672) All of us
1:10:40 A balm in Gilead, al verso, beautifully arranged by Amy